Pray for Summer

As we kickoff May I wonder what happened to the other four months of 2017.  How can this be possible?  May brings Mother’s Day, Graduation and the beginning of summer vacation.  It is also the countdown to one of the most evangelistic times for us as a church.  We are four weeks away from Vacation Bible School which is closely followed by Super Summer, Bounce and Falls Creek.  The summer will end with the Malawi Mission Trip bringing us to school starting and the Pumpkin Patch. So, why am I causing the stress level of our parents to rise by bringing up this hectic schedule?  I bring it up because it is the most important time of the year for our ministry teams.

Most of the events that happen over the summer are evangelistic in nature.  It is an opportunity to witness to those who are without Christ.  We must be on our knees in prayer.  We need to pray for God to raise up workers for the harvest as we recruit volunteers to be sponsors.  We need to pray for a great harvest as those who are dead in their sin are confronted with their failure and are brought to a place of repentance.  With your prayer and support we will see many come to know Christ this summer.  It will go back just a quick as the first four months of the year.  Let us make the most of every moment.


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