The Manifest Presence of God
Through our study in Colossians we learned about the power
of Jesus. He is the Creator and it is
through him that all things are held together.
Jesus was with God and was God and through him all things were
made. We learn through God’s Word that
God is omnipresent, meaning he is in all places at all times. Though he is in all places at all times,
there are times we find in Scripture that God’s presence is made known in miraculous
ways. This is known as the manifest
presence of God. It is seen when God
walked with Adam and Eve in the garden.
When the people of Israel were leaving Egypt, God appeared as a fire at
night and smoke during the day. God also appeared to Moses on Mt. Sinai. At times in history God makes his presence
known in remarkable ways.
This week we begin a study in Isaiah entitled “Rend the
Heavens”. The question I want us asking
ourselves every week is, “Why do we settle for the omnipresence of God when God
wants us to experience the manifest presence of God?” The greatest example of the manifest presence
of God is found in the birth of Jesus. John
1:14 says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his
glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Jesus is called Immanuel, which means God
with us. Through Jesus we can experience
the manifest presence of the almighty God. When Jesus was born and placed in a
manger it was more than just a miraculous birth of an important man. It was the presence of God stepping out of
heaven to be with us. Let us not miss
the manifest presence of God during the busy Christmas season.