
Empty.  Most things we do not want to be empty.  It’s never good when you get in the car and the fuel gauge shows empty.  Coffee drinkers never want to find their cup empty.  When a teenager’s stomach is empty, watch out!  We do not like being around those who have an empty heart or give empty promises.  That word is almost always associated with things that are negative.

That was certainly the case for the disciples on the first Easter.  When they arrived at the tomb they found it empty.  Their first thought was not the resurrection.  Their first thought was that someone had stolen Jesus’ body.  It took both the words of an angel and the appearance of Jesus to convince them that the empty tomb was the greatest thing that had ever happened.  The empty tomb was the result of Jesus conquering death.  The movement that they had given everything for was not over but just beginning.

When your life feels empty Jesus is there to turn it into victory.  When we are weak, He is strong.  The truth is, in our own power and strength we are empty.  Our own righteousness is polluted and leaves us empty.  We have sinned and fail to live up to the standards of Jesus Christ.  When we stand before God in judgement we will be empty unless we have accepted the gift of Jesus.  Through Jesus there is victory.  We will have victory over death because our Savior had victory over the death.  “The empty tomb is there to prove our Savior lives.”  We celebrate because the tomb is empty.


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