Safety First

The fallen world we live in takes shape in many ways.  Darkness has attacked light since the creation of the world.  We see it when Cain killed Abel and we continue to see it today.  This hit home for many of us when First Baptist Church of Sutherland Texas was attacked by a lone gunman during their morning worship service killing 26 people.  The small community church suffered the most tragic of events that shocked the nation.

Sutherland is one of many events we have seen over the last few years that has caused churches to rethink security.  Not only do we have the Sunday morning worship service where we gather in one large room, our office staff is here every day ministering to the many people who come to the church for various needs.  Because of these things we have updated our security system and have instituted a Safety Team to help us prevent such a tragedy from happening here. We have changed the locks on the doors and installed an electronic entrance system.  We also have new monitored HD surveillance and security system.  

The Safety Team will be working to keep us secure during church-wide activities and worship.  The outside doors will be locked after worship begins.  The Safety Team will be patrolling to let in those who arrive late.  Inconvenient? Yes, but we hope that the security it provides outweighs the inconvenience it causes.  We are doing all we can to insure a safe environment for your family to worship God in a fallen world.


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