Call to Prayer

School is out and summer activities have begun.  Summer is always fun for our children who get a break from their education for a couple of months.  It is the time we looked forward to when we were children.  For church, summer is a time God uses to draw people to himself.  Whether it be Vacation Bible School, mission trips, or camps, summer is a time our young people and adults can grow in their relationship with God.  We have an enemy who understands this as well.  If we are going to see great and awesome things in the life of our adults, children and youth participating in these activities this summer we must be in active prayer.  Participation in the spiritual warfare through prayer is important for our summer to be as powerful and life changing as God expects it to be.

Wednesday night we are having a special night of prayer we are calling Reflect.  It is a call to Reflect on God, Reflect on Self, and Reflect on Mission.  We will be using Isaiah 6 as an outline for our prayer.  Whether you are able to be here Wednesday night or not I want to challenge you to use this outline this summer as you pray for our summer activities.

I.                    Reflect on God’s Holiness (Isaiah 6:1-4)
II.                  Reflect on Self (Isaiah 6:5
a.       Sins of Attitude and Thought
b.      Sins of Speech
c.       Sins of Relationships
d.      Sins of Commission (What are you supposed to be doing but are not?)
e.      Sins of Omission (What are you not supposed to be doing but are?)
III.                Reflect on God’s Forgiveness (Isaiah 6:6-7)
IV.                Reflect on Christ’s Sacrifice (Isaiah 6:7b)
V.                  Reflect on God’s Commission (Isaiah 6:8-13)
a.       Sunfest Outreach
b.      Vacation Bible School
c.       Super Summer
d.      Southern Baptist Convention in Baltimore
e.      World Changers
f.        Leon Mexico Mission Trip
g.       Malawi Africa Mission Trip
h.      Children’s Camp
i.         Falls Creek
j.        Youth Evangelism Conference
k.       Adult Wednesday night Bible Study at Pastor’s home
l.         Kids Fun and Son (preschool, children and families) Wednesday nights
m.    Ignite- Youth Wednesday night activities


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