Get Smaller
Dr. Robert Coleman, in The
Master Plan of Evangelism, said Jesus
was not concerned “with programs to reach the multitudes, but with men whom the
multitudes would follow.” Jesus understood that in order to get larger you must
get smaller. The discipleship in the
small group will produce the leaders to reach the multitudes. Jesus invested everything in the small group
of men that would one day lead the church.
In fact, as the time got closer for him to leave them, he spent more
time not less time with them. It is very
easy for the church to get caught up in what attracts the multitudes and fail
in the area that Jesus felt was most important.
It is in the small, concentrated group where effective instruction can
be given.
The most obvious application for this understanding is in
our small group ministry on Sunday morning.
The potential for training up leaders in the church is much greater in
these small groups than in our group worship time. The worship service is important and
something God asks us to do but it is not as essential to the future of the
church as is the small group time.
Another place of application is during one-on-one
discipleship. Kathy Beard did a great
job the last two weeks presenting a case for investing in the life of new
believers and those searching for answers.
Through studying God’s Word with another person we will see them grow in
ways that never could happen from a sermon series.
I challenge you in two areas. First, become an active part of a small group
where you can learn and help others to live that which God calls us to. Second, find someone to study the Bible
with. If you are a new believer find
someone who has been a believer for a while.
If you are a seasoned believer find someone who you can help. This was the strategy of Jesus and should
continue to be our strategy as we engage Bartlesville and beyond with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.