Thank you, Carrie and Jenifer!

Our exemplary ministries only exist because of the great leaders we have leading them.  Our children’s ministry over the last few years is a great example of what we can accomplish with great leaders and faithful volunteers sacrificially giving of themselves to provide our children with quality programs that point to Jesus.  Carrie Hugeback and Jenifer Miller have served our children faithfully and these ministries have succeeded because of them.  Carrie and Jenifer are stepping down from their leadership role. Be sure and say “thank you” to them for the sacrifices they have made for our children.  Their leadership will be missed.

Our children’s ministry team is the largest team in our church.  They are responsible for birth through 5thgraders including LifeGroups, Extended Session, Worship Kids, AWANA, VBS and so much more.  This team organizes dozens of volunteers who rotate through the various programs.  We believe that it is our responsibility to not just provide childcare but to take seriously the task of raising the next generation of church leaders. Our children’s ministry is the place to bring your children if you want them to love the Bible and live according to its teaching.

We are excited for our new Children’s Team Leaders.  Dwayne and Cassie Conner have agreed to take over this huge responsibility.  Pray for them as they transition to this new role. I believe that they are uniquely gifted and qualified to step into this position.  However, their success will be determined by the many volunteers who step up to help them.  We currently have openings in our Sunday morning children areas from LifeGroup Leaders to extended session workers.  Let Dwayne and Cassie know if you are interested in investing in the lives of our children.  With great leaders and faithful volunteers we will continue to make a significant impact in the children God entrusts to us.


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