Helping the Sent
God has called all of us to make disciples to the ends of the earth. Though we all have the same calling, he has given more specific callings to each of us on what our part for reaching the world for Christ is. Not everyone is able to take a couple of weeks in order to go to another country and share Christ. Some are called to help train those who are called. Some are called to pray for those who are going. Some are called to raise awareness of needs. Some are called to help pay the expenses of those who are called to go.
God has called us to share Christ with the people of Malawi. This on-going partnership with the churches of Malawi has been rewarding. Just in the last seven years we have seen over 20 new churches started through the obedience of Eastern Heights. There are thousands of new believers attending these churches every week because of the sacrifices of our church members. Our continued support of Manna Ministries not only provides support for these new churches, but it feeds around 200 orphans and widows every day who would be starving without our support.
We are taking another team to Malawi for the purpose of strengthening these churches and helping to plant new churches. God has assembled a team from other churches in our association to meet the needs of this great ministry. At this time there are two from Eastern Heights who will be going on this mission. Daryl Thomas and I will represent Eastern Heights in this important trip. I would love to be able to take every single one of you with us. That obviously is not possible. Instead, would you be willing to do your part in helping us as we prepare? We need your prayer. The enemy will attack our lives as we move closer to the time we leave. We also need your financial support. Because of budget cuts this year we do not have money in the budget to help cover these expenses. We step out in faith because we are called to go. We know God will provide the finances needed because he always provides for those he has called. Would you consider joining us on this mission through giving financially? Together we can continue the great ministry to the starving people of Malawi.
To give go to CLICK HERE and choose "Malawi Mission Trip" Fund.
To give go to CLICK HERE and choose "Malawi Mission Trip" Fund.