All We Need for Christmas

All I want for Christmas is a baby Yoda.  Not a stuffed animal version.  The real thing.  Who wouldn’t want a cute, 50-year-old baby that will live for hundreds of years and has the force?  Ok.  Obviously, that is a little impractical.  It is amazing the instant popularity of a Muppet character that stars in a science fiction show that takes place “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."  He is on every page of social media and today (Wednesday) the early release of the next chapter of the series is drawing social media posts of offices across the world stopping and watching together.  Not only do they get another view of the lovable character but a sneak peek at the final Star Wars movie which is sure to be a blockbuster success.  Baby Yoda is just another epic character taking the world by storm as my favorite cuddly character, the Ewok, did in 1983 (maybe I really need a baby Ewok).

The baby that was born who changed the world received very little fanfare.  He was not the talk of office parties or the latest craze that swept across the country.  Jesus was just another baby born to a minority couple in a Roman occupied territory at an inconvenient time.  He was laid in a manger after being wrapped in swaddling clothes.  He received a few guests invited by the heavenly host, but most did not even realize or care that he had been born.  When the Magi arrived in the city, which had been prophesied as the birthplace of the Messiah, the city still had not realized the significance of the child that had been born.

The Christmas season brings out and magnifies every wild craze.  From Tickle Me Elmo to Cabbage Patch Dolls consumerism is at its finest this time of year.  Let us not forget the one for whom the season is named.  The one who came without fanfare yet had the greatest purpose of anyone who was ever born.  His work changed the world and the eternity of millions.  All we need for Christmas is Jesus.


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