Do Elections Matter?
This week we had a midterm election that was so intense over 100 million people turned out to vote. It took me 30 minutes to get through the line when I went to vote at a time that is usually pretty light. The bitter divide in our country was in full display. With the results, the American discord will be on overdrive in Washington with a divided congress and a controversial president. It is great to live in a country where revolt happens at the polls instead of the battlefield, however the conflict is still real. But one thing is for sure, God sits on his throne today as he has since the day he created this world.
If God still sits on his throne does it matter what happens in an election? It definitely matters. God is working out his plan in this world and one day it will culminate with the coming of Christ and a new heaven and new earth. However, as he tarries to return we live with the consequences of political battles and the decisions our political leaders make. In America, it begins with elections. Those who are elected we must submit to as those who are ruling for God (Romans 13). We must elect men and women to represent us in government who will guide the direction of our nation in a way that brings honor to God.
The decisions of those in political authority affect the church in many ways. We must continually pray for our political leaders because it affects our ability to share Christ with those around us. Paul told Timothy, “I urge that supplications prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Now that the election is over we live with the results. The job of the church is not to sit around and worry about what decisions will be made. We are not to sit around and cling to the play-by-play of the fight that will be on display in Washington. We are to take advantage of the freedom and peace we have in America to take the name of Jesus to the people in our nation and all around the world. The only answer for the divide in America is Jesus. The elections mattered. But more importantly we need to not miss the opportunity that was granted to us as citizens of this great nation. With freedom comes great responsibility. How are you using it?