God is Working

What a great time to be part of the body of Christ as we bring hope to a world that is living in fear of an invisible enemy that has crippled the largest economies of the world.  A world that has proudly confessed it no longer needed God is buckling to the reality that science alone cannot save the world from a new virus that doesn’t follow the same rules they had worked so hard to understand.  We must not miss this opportunity that God has given us.  Over the last 2000 years the church has found itself being light amid dark chaos found around them.  It is our turn to show the world that God is the only answer and He alone provides hope for those who put their trust in Him.

Every tragedy presents an opportunity for heroes to arise.  We are obviously seeing that in the medical world with our health professionals.  But within the church a new hero has arisen.  Those heroes are the tech gurus that have helped the churches of the world take their worship services online and into the homes of billions of people all around the world.  The same men and women who have been serving for years in the shadows where seldom they were recognized for the long hours of labor, are now being relied upon for the church to worship together from their homes.  Ryan, Allan, Lucas and Randy have worked tirelessly to make sure everyone is receiving a quality product in their homes.  It is phenomenal what they are getting out of a couple old cameras and an under-powered computer.   

After several days of brainstorming and overcoming logistical issues we have found a way for us to come together for the Lord’s Super.  We are having a drive-in service on Good Friday, April 10, at 6:00 in the south parking lot of the church.  Thanks to the local Bartlesville Ham Radio Club, we will be broadcasting to your radio through a low powered FM transmitter.  We have individually wrapped Communion packs that we will be distributed in the most cautious of ways as you enter the parking lot.  I received permission from the city if we do not get out of the cars for any reason.  Bathrooms will be closed.  We will keep the service to 30-35 minutes.  It will be a sweet time for us to be together and remember what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Not having Easter Sunday together is disappointing.  However, when we finally get the green light to begin meeting together again, we will plan a special day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It will be a fun time we can look forward to.  This will pass.  We will get to the other side.  Let us go through these uncertain days with the confidence that God is working this out for His good.  I love you and look forward to that day!


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