Sin Messed Everything Up

Music has been a huge deal in Vacation Bible School for years.  LifeWay has done a great job teaching the major themes of salvation through these songs.  This year the song that was obviously a favorite of the kids was Sin Messed Everything Up.  It was a fun throwback sounding song that reminded me of a cross between Herman the Worm and The Fresh Prince of Bellaire. Click here to hear:   
Sin has certainly messed everything up.  God created us in his image and placed man in a perfect garden to walk in fellowship with Him daily.  We had dominion over plants and animals.  There was no shame nor regret.  There was no sickness.  There was nothing to fear nor anything to make gardening difficult.  Then sin messed everything up.  Death, disease, work and fear entered the world.
The song also gives us hope.  “God will make it all right.”  We cannot make anything right on our own.  Sin has already messed it up.  However, the story of the Bible is a story of God making it right for us.  He sent his son Jesus to die in our place to pay the penalty of sin. He proved his power over death through the resurrection and promised to return to set everything right.  His return will bring back what he gave us in the beginning.

Hope in the Bible is used differently than the way we use it in our everyday language.  Hope in scripture refers to the confidence we have that God will complete what he started.  It is always a look into the future.  Despite sin messing everything up around us we live in confidence knowing that God has provided victory over it.  This VBS song is a great reminder that things are messed up now but God will soon make it all right.


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